We will provide the best pet care services and facilities in western Montana. Our staff of knowledgeable, friendly, dedicated pet lovers is essential to foster trusting relationships with clients.
PO Box 8644, Missoula MT 59807
| Pet Care |
North Star Pet Care is owned and operated by Jayne Azzarello of Darby, MT. Jayne has had experience both professionally and personally caring for a wide variety of animals over a 30 year period.
3113 Highway 93 South, Darby MT 59829
| Pet Care |
Please bring your dog's bedding from home. This will help your dog feel most comfortable here. If your dog sleeps in a crate, you may bring that as well. Please make sure the bedding is clean upon arrival.
3129 Eastside Hwy Stevensville, MT 59870
| Pet Care |
Alpine Canine is committed to the health and happiness of Missoula's best friends. Much more than a unique alternative to doggy daycare, we offer a full service hiking adventure that stimulates dogs mentally and physically.
3275 North Reserve, Suite D, PMB 163, Missoula MT, 59808
| Pet Care |