Ramsey Engler Ltd. is a Minneapolis-based company who has designed the most luxury styles in the state of Minnesota. Ramsey Engler Ltd. specializes in interior design and space planning for both residential and commercial spaces.
1201 Currie Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403
| Interior Design |
From New York to Hawaii, Martha O'Hara Interiors designs and furnishes hundreds of homes across the United States every year. Each project represents a seamless process that can take a homeowner from blueprints to finishing touches.
9950 Wayzata Boulevard, Minneapolis, MN 55426
| Interior Design |
IMS is the largest home and commercial interior design marketplace in the Upper Midwest. Open to both the home/commercial design community and the public, visitors are invited to explore our more than seventy showrooms, studios, shops,
275 Market Street Minneapolis, MN 55405
| Interior Design |