Pro Green Pest & Lawn Services, LLC

Pro Green Pest & Lawn Services, LLC logo

Pro Green Pest & Lawn Services, LLC
P.O. Box 308, Inwood, WV 25428-4450

| Pest Control |

We are a family owned local business that offers Eco Friendly Solutions for many of the services needed for your home and business. We're trying to get back to the roots of what made businesses successful in the past which is customer service! So many other businesses have superseded to corporate America that you can't even talk with an actual person anymore. Pro Green Pest & Lawn Services, LLC has all local offices with real people that you can talk with and even come see. Our customer service doesn't stop there... We have highly trained, State Certified Technicians and Inspectors that provide all of our services and will come to your property to completely evaluate, explain, estimate and professionally complete the services that you are requesting.

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